In this skillfully crafted narrative, Cecil Pickler transports you to the iconic fields of the Gettysburg Battlefield through the eyes of a...

Cecil Pickler
Cecil Pickler

I was born in Greensboro, North Carolina to Roy and Estelle Pickler. I was the middle child of six children. Three boys and three girls. All three boys served in the military as did our father.  I served as a US Marine in Vietnam. 

I gratuated from Walter Hines Page Senior High School. I graduated from Southeaster Baptist Theological Seminary with an Associate of Divinity. I did further studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  I pastored a biker church in Kernersville, North Carolina.

I am married to the former Deborah Harding and together we have five grown children who live in different cities. Debbie is the only woman who knows my difficulties after my service in Vietnam. She was able to hear my story and love me still. 

This is my first publication. I would be grateful if you would leave a review.

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A Walk Among Heroes: A perspective of the Battle of Gettysburg you’ve probably never considered

In this skillfully crafted narrative, Cecil Pickler transports you to the iconic fields of the Gettysburg Battlefield through the eyes of a modern-day visitor named Pick. In an extraordinary turn of events, Pick is whisked back in time to march alongside the troops during the historic battle, courtesy of an invitation from the spirits of fallen...

Other Writing

Soteriological Implications of Personal Pain as it Relates to the Cross

Soteriological Implications of Personal Pain

As It Relates To The Cross

Note: This paper was written two months after the passing of my wife, Ezelle, from cancer. My good friend from Seminary, Reverend Frankie Tanner, suggested I write this paper to help me through my grief. I did not want to write this, but my pain was so great I had to try something. Writing this paper helped me and enabled me to move forward with my life and take on the role of being a single parent. This paper was written...

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Hospital Chaplain

In 1984, while serving as an adjunct chaplain at a local hospital, I met a man of rare quality. I was working the Saturday rotation and received a call to go to the emergency room. As I made my way to the Emergency Room, I prayed that God would remove me from the site and yet use my voice for His purpose. When I arrived at the nurses’ station, I asked about the need.

“We have a man who was brought in here drunk. He has a blood alcohol level of 32%, which is very high. The...

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Mom's Biscuits

Have you ever smelled homemade biscuits cooking in the oven? I am guessing you have not. Do not feel bad that that is not a cherished memory of yours. We have become a different world, and few folks actually make biscuits. No, today we open a can of biscuits that Pillsbury made, and we cook them according to the instructions on the can. Those biscuits are great, and I eat them myself, but I remember the smell of biscuits cooking in the oven, and canned biscuits from Pillsbury do...

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My Next project: Whispers of Hope I am already working on my next novel,

I am already working on my next novel, Whispers of Hope. This book is a continuation of my book, A Walk Among Heroes. In this book, I go deep into my time after serving in the...

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Whispers of Hope continues where A Walk Among Heroes leaves off. Pick spends more time with the spirits on the Gettysburg Battlefield but this time, he talks with the men who...

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What Has Politics Done For Us? Governmental Politics should include a

Governmental Politics should include a reasonable debate between our political parties to reach a consensus on any given issue. That is my interpretation, not a dictionary version. Most Americans see this as what they feel politics should be. However, this is not how politics is carried out in the United States.

In the United States, everything is done on the world stage. All of our enemies know how divided we are. Each party is determined to maintain dominance in our House and Senate. The...

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Cecil Pickler