Governmental Politics should include a reasonable debate between our political parties to reach a consensus on any given issue. That is my interpretation, not a dictionary version. Most Americans see this as what they feel politics should be. However, this is not how politics is carried out in the United States.
In the United States, everything is done on the world stage. All of our enemies know how divided we are. Each party is determined to maintain dominance in our House and Senate. The greater our party prevails, the better we feel because we know we have the votes necessary to get whatever we want as a party.
Our system of politics is unfair to the citizens of the United States. We are our representatives' constituents, yet our voice is seldom heard and never defended in Congress. Once elected, our representatives become entwined with the ambitions of Rhino Representatives, who have benefited financially from their time in Congress. Our representatives campaigned and promised to give us a voice in Congress, to voice our concerns and effect changes in our laws that will protect us. We worked alongside them to get them elected, but once they've been assigned an office and a desk in the chamber, we exist no more.
Laws are created and passed that infringe upon our fundamental rights as Americans. These new laws also gradually strip away our rights and privileges by design. They know they cannot make significant decisions quickly, or we will get wise to their scheme and throw them out. They sign bills that protect those who seek to destroy us, and they balk at sending aid where it is needed most. The rich in Washington get richer, while the poor of our country fall behind on necessities.
Given a critical look at our system, Politics has done us no favors. Through politics, we have learned to hate people whose skin color is different from our own. We seek out a particular party because we have strong views on how this country should be governed. The politicians let us down when they ignore our frantic cries for help.
Our problem is that politics has done nothing for us and many things that harm us.
How many of you voted to allow millions of illegals to come into our country and take our jobs? How many of you voted to give these people benefits that you cannot obtain for yourselves? How many of you voted to give the illegals college tuition when you have children who cannot afford a college education? How many of you voted to send billions upon billions to Ukraine to fight their war with Russia?
None of you voted for these things, and most of you are affected by the decisions.
Please take the time to change my mind!!
I would greatly appreciate your comments.