Other Writing
Hospital Chaplain
In 1984, while serving as an adjunct chaplain at a local hospital, I met a man of rare quality. I was working the Saturday rotation and received a call to go to the emergency room. As I made my way to the Emergency Room, I prayed that God would remove me from the site and yet use my voice for His purpose. When I arrived at the nurses’ station, I asked about the need.
“We have a man who was brought in here drunk. He has a blood alcohol level of 32%, which is very high. The...
Mom's Biscuits
Have you ever smelled homemade biscuits cooking in the oven? I am guessing you have not. Do not feel bad that that is not a cherished memory of yours. We have become a different world, and few folks actually make biscuits. No, today we open a can of biscuits that Pillsbury made, and we cook them according to the instructions on the can. Those biscuits are great, and I eat them myself, but I remember the smell of biscuits cooking in the oven, and canned biscuits from Pillsbury do...
Breakfast Meeting
"Good Morning, Jim,” said Tom as he slid into the seat across from his old friend.
Jim and Tom look forward to their weekly breakfast meeting, during which they discuss interesting and sometimes provocative topics. Both men are retired from public work, and though they have been friends for many years, these breakfast meetings have drawn them closer.
"Jim, the traffic out there is simply unbelievable," began Tom. "Everyone is driving dangerously fast; it is like they...